Thursday, February 24, 2011

Power'd Up....For Now.

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: Obama says the oil crisis will not derail economic growth because we are more energy efficient than in the 1970's..

U.S. Population according to The Census.

Its true our household electronics have become more energy efficient since the 70's.
Yet the bills are about the same why is this?
Well we now have a ton more items in our home that use up our energy.
Our population has grown over 100 million people larger since the 70's alot of which have larger homes now than in the past probably to have room for all these
gadgets that require power power and oh wait whats that? another dose of power and energy.
Computers, cell phone chargers, microwaves, playstaions and xboxes, home entertainment systems. TVs in every room, PSPS, Ipods, etc.
In the 70's as a kid if you wanted to have an'd have to hope to find it in your you can put on your alternative reality sun goggles...and...

We need a massive system to help us become energy efficient..we need the president to come on T.V. and be like "America today S*** is going to change, yup we are retooling the panels for everybody. We'll be making our way to all your homes blah blah blah". Kind of like the weatherizaiton thing.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wasted Tax Dollars Part Two

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: And oddly enough with help from Fox News Den(The writer normally doesn't agree but I am playing down the middle for this one.)
We took a look at a blog post on wasted taxes and sometimes I agree our taxes are being wasted on almost insane studies however a big library to me isn't a waste, we need library s trust me...okay so thanks to Sean Hannity..see if you agree that our taxes pay for...

102: Protecting a Michigan insect collection from other insects ($187,632)
101: Highway beautified by fish art in Washington ($10,000)
100: University studying hookup behavior of female college coeds in New York ($219,000)
99: Police department getting 92 blackberries for supervisors in Rhode Island ($95,000)
98: Upgrades to seldom-used river cruise boat in Oklahoma ($1.8 million)
97: Precast concrete toilet buildings for Mark Twain National Forest in Montana ($462,000)
96: University studying whether mice become disoriented when they consume alcohol in Florida ($8,408)
95: Foreign bus wheel polishers for California ($259,000)
94: Recovering crab pots lost at sea in Oregon ($700,000)
93: Developing a program to develop "machine-generated humor" in Illinois ($712,883)
92: Colorado museum where stimulus was signed (and already has $90 million in the bank) gets geothermal stimulus grant ($2.6 million)
91: Grant to the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance to support the traditional arts apprenticeship program, gathering and festival ($30,000)
90: Studying methamphetamines and the female rat sex drive in Maryland ($30,000)
89: Studying mating decisions of cactus bugs in Florida ($325,394)
88: Studying why deleting a gene can create sex reversal in people, but not in mice in Minnesota ($190,000)
87: College hires director for a project on genetic control of sensory hair cell membrane channels in zebrafish in California ($327,337)
86: New jumbo recycling bins with microchips embedded inside to track participation in Ohio ($500,000)
85: Oregon Federal Building's "green" renovation at nearly the price of a brand new building ($133 million)
84: Massachusetts middle school getting money to build a solar array on its roof ($150,000)
83: Road widening that could have been millions of dollars cheaper if Lousiana hadn't opted to replace a bridge that may not have needed replacing ($60 million)
82: Cleanup effort of a Washington nuclear waste site that already got $12 billion from the DOE ($1.9 billion)
81: Six woodlands water taxis getting a new home in Texas ($750,000)
80: Maryland group gets money to develop "real life" stories that underscore job and infrastructure-related research findings ($363,760)
79: Studying social networks like Facebook in North Carolina ($498,000)
78:18 North Carolina teacher coaches to heighten math and reading performance ($4.4 million)
77: Retrofitting light switches with motion sensors for one company in Arizona ($800,000)
76: Removing graffiti along 100 miles of flood-control ditches in California ($837,000)
75: Bicycle lanes, shared lane signs and bike racks in Pennsylvania ($105,000)
74: Privately-owned steakhouse rehabilitating its restaurant space in Missouri ($75,000)
73: National dinner cruise boat company in Illinois outfitting vessels with surveillance systems to protect against terrorists ($1 million)
72: Producing and transporting peanuts and peanut butter in North Carolina ($900,000)
71: Refurnishing and delivering picnic tables in Iowa ($30,000)
70: Digital television converter box coupon program in D.C. ($650 million)
69: Elevating and relocating 3,000 feet of track for the Napa Valley Wine Train in California ($54 million)
68: Hosting events for Earth Day, the summer solstice etc. in Minnesota ($50,000)
67: Expanding ocean aquaculture in Hawaii ($99,960)
66: Raising railroad tracks 18 inches in Oregon because the residents of one small town were tired of taking a detour around them ($4.2 million)
65: Professors and employees of Iowa state universities voluntarily taking early retirement ($43 million)
64: Minnesota theatre named after Che Guevara putting on "socially conscious" puppet shows ($25,000)
63: Replacing a basketball court lighting system with a more energy efficient one in Arizona ($20,000)
62: Repainting and adding a security camera to one bridge in Oregon ($3.5 million)
61: Missouri bridge project that already was full-funded with state money ($8 million)
60: New hospital parking garage in New York that will employ less people ($19.5 million)
59: University in North Carolina studying why adults with ADHD smoke more ($400,000)
58: Low-income housing residents in one Minnesota city receiving free laptops, WiFi and iPod Touches to "educate" them in technology ($5 million)
57: University in California sending students to Africa to study why Africans vote they the way they do in their elections ($200,000)
56: Researching the impact of air pollution combined with a high-fat diet on obesity development in Ohio ($225,000)
55: Studying how male and female birds care for their offspring and how it compares to how humans care for their children in Oklahoma ($90,000)
54: University in Pennsylvania researching fossils in Argentina (over $1 million)
53: University in Tennessee studying how black holes form (over $1 million)
52: University in Oklahoma sending 3 researchers to Alaska to study grandparents and how they pass on knowledge to younger generations ($1.5 million)
51: Grant application from a Pennsylvania university for a researcher named in the Climate-gate scandal (Rep. Darrell Issa is calling on the president to freeze the grant) ($500,000)
50: Studying the impact of global warming on wildflowers in a Colorado ghost town ($500,000)
49: Bridge built over railroad crossing so 168 Nebraska town residents don't have to wait for the trains to pass ($7 million)
48: Renovating an old hotel into a visitors center in Kentucky ($300,000)
47: Removing overgrown weeds in a Rhode Island park ($250,000)
46: Renovating 5 seldom-used ports of entry on the U.S.-Canada border in Montana ($77 million)
45: Testing how to control private home appliances in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts from an off-site computer ($800,000)
44: Repainting a rarely-used bridge in North Carolina ($3.1 million)
43: Renovating a desolate Wisconsin bridge that averages 10 cars a day ($426,000)
42: 4 new buses for New Hampshire ($2 million)
41: Repaving a 1-mile stretch of Atlanta road that had parts of it already repaved in 2007 ($490,000)
40: Florida beauty school tuition ($2.3 million)
39: Extending a bike path to the Minnesota Twins stadium ($500,000)
38: Beautification of Los Angeles' Sunset Boulevard ($1.1 million)
37: Colorado Dragon Boat Festival ($10,000)
36: Developing the next generation of supersonic corporate jets in Maryland that could cost $80 million dollars each ($4.7 million)
35: New spring training facilities for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies ($30 million)
34: Demolishing 35 old laboratories in New Mexico ($212 million)
33: Putting free WiFi, Internet kiosks and interactive history lessons in 2 Texas rest stops ($13.8 million)
32: Replacing a single boat motor on a government boat in D.C. ($10,500)
31: Developing the next generation of football gloves in Pennsylvania ($150,000)
30: Pedestrian bridge to nowhere in West Virginia ($80,000)
29: Replacing all signage on 5 miles of road in Rhode Island ($4,403,205)
28: Installing a geothermal energy system to heat the "incredible shrinking mall" in Tennessee ($5 million)
27: University in Minnesota studying how to get the homeless to stop smoking ($230,000)
26: Large woody habitat rehabilitation project in Wisconsin ($16,800)
25: Replacing escalators in the parking garage of one D.C. metro station ($4.3 million)
24: Building an airstrip in a community most Alaskans have never even heard of ($14,707,949)
23: Bike and pedestrian paths connecting Camden, N.J. to Philadelphia, Penn. when there's already a bridge that connects them ($23 million)
22: Sending 10 university undergrads each year from North Carolina to Costa Rica to study the rainforests ($564,000)
21: Road signs touting stimulus funds at work in Ohio ($1 million)
20: Researching how paying attention improves performance of difficult tasks in Connecticut ($850,000)
19: Kentucky Transportation Department awarding contracts to companies associated with a road contractor accused of bribing the previous state transportation secretary ($24 million)
18: Amtrak losing $32 per passenger nationally but rewarded with windfall ($1.3 billion)
17: Widening an Arizona interstate even though the company that won the contract has a history of tax fraud and pollution ($21.8 million)
16: Replace existing dumbwaiters in New York ($351,807)
15: Deer underpass in Wyoming ($1,239,693)
14: Arizona universities examining the division of labor in ant colonies (combined $950,000)
13: Fire station without firefighters in Nevada ($2 million)
12: "Clown" theatrical production in Pennsylvania ($25,000)
11: Maryland town gets money but doesn't know what to do with it ($25,000)
10: Investing in nation-wide wind power (but majority of money has gone to foreign companies) ($2 billion)
9: Resurfacing a tennis court in Montana ($50,000)
8: University in Indiana studying why young men do not like to wear condoms ($221,355)
7: Funds for Massachusetts roadway construction to companies that have defrauded taxpayers, polluted the environment and have paid tens of thousands of dollars in fines for violating workplace safety laws (millions)
6: Sending 11 students and 4 teachers from an Arkansas university to the U.N. climate change convention in Copenhagen, using almost 54,000 lbs of carbon dioxide from air travel alone ($50,000)
5: Storytelling festival in Utah ($15,000)
4: Door mats to the Department of the Army in Texas ($14,675)
3: University in New York researching young adults who drink malt liquor and smoke pot ($389,357)
2: Solar panels for climbing gym in Colorado ($157,800)
1: Grant for one Massachusetts university for "robobees" (miniature flying robot bees) ($2 million)
GRAND TOTAL: $4,891,645,229

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Monday, February 7, 2011

The "Real" Reason Marijuana is illegal.

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: Marijuana was a mexican slang term the government overexposed to promote fear of the hemp plant

Thanks to

Here's some fun facts about Marijuana:

* Up until the 1880s all schoolbooks were made from help or flax paper.

* It was legal to pay your taxes(in America) with hemp from the 1630s until the 1800s

* During the 17th and 18th centuries it was against the law to refuse to grow hemp. You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow marijuana from 1763 to 1769.

* Many of the founding fathers grew hemp including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

* One of the first paper mills in America owned by Benjamin Franklin processed Hemp.

* The war of 1812 was fought over hemp. Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England.

* 90 percent of ships' sails and rope were made from hemp for thousands of years. The word canvas is Dutch for Cannabis.

* Until the introduction of the cotton gin in the 1820s 80 percent of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, drapes, bed sheets, etc.,were made from hemp

* The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross’s flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp

* The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons.Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th century.

* In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs.

* In 1938, hemp was called ‘Billion Dollar Crop.’ It was the first time a cash crop had a business potential to exceed a billion dollars.

Now how it got its bad name.

Kimberly Clarks division for Hearst Paper Manufacturing ran by William Randolph Hearst owned acres of timberlands. The company was the main supply for paper products. The grandfather of Patty Hearst(whom destroyed natural habitats for riches) could have lost billions due to hemp.

DuPont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal in 1937. They encouraged stockholders to invest in its new petrochemical division in their Annual report.
Plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron and other synthetics could now be made from oil. Over 80% of DuPont’s business would have been ruined by Natural Hemp industrialization.

Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and DuPont’s primary investor, Andrew Mellon appointed his future nephew-in-law,Harry J.Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.

These financial tycoons held secret meetings and determined hemp was a "dangerous" because it was bad for their big-business and their dynasties. They took an obscure Mexican slang word ‘marijuana’ and emphasized and exaggerated it into the consciousness of America.

For more information use the link at the top of the post.

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wasted Tax Dollars Part One.

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: So we decided to look into what we were wasting tax dollars on and found this

I don't agree that all of it is a waste but...a lot of it yes...check it out for yourself this site has tracked $1,230,956,867,592.00. wasted tax dollars.

$400,000 for researchers to cruise bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men under the influence of alcohol engage in risky sexual behavior and what can be done about it.

$146,000,000 in one year on Federal Employees first class airline tickets bought in violation of travel policies.

$100 Million for 270,000 airline tickets The Defense Department bought and left unused between 1997 and 2003.

$40 to $80 million from 1981 to 1984 for the Health Care Financing Administration for Medicaid payments to psychiatrists for unscheduled, coincidental meetings with patients who were attending basketball games, setting on stoops, etc.

The U.S. government is spending $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China consume less alcohol while working. As part of the five-year study that the National Institutes of Health bankrolled, researchers are visiting more than 100 houses of prostitution to monitor their employees, designated as FSWs, or female sex workers.

Medicare, the U.S. health-insurance program for the elderly and disabled, erroneously paid out $19.9 billion during fiscal 2004, up from $19.6 billion a year earlier, because of mistakes, waste and fraud, a government report said. In most cases, hospitals and doctors billed for medically unnecessary services or didn't provide proper documentation to support the fees for services.

There's much more information out there and we'll get it to you over time.
In defense of the wasted tax dollars before 2000, we had a surplus and I believe if we were doing well off maybe just maybe we could afford some of this nonsensical research but in regards of the waste once we went into debt there is no excuse except that the man at the top does not care for the man at the bottom at least the ones who were in charge of making these decisions. "Sorry Mr. Congressman we were going to pay you this year but instead we researched how many licks it takes a cat to get to the center of itself...on average...yeah how does that feel."


Shows to watch(in no particular order):
Real Time With Bill Maher
The Daily Show With John Stewart
The Colbert Report
The O'Reilly Factor
Glen Beck

See who you agree with...that's what we do.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Facing The "Facts".

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: Since this blog is dedicated to helping people know the truth and is not for shock value. We apologize that some of the figures may not have been as large as we calculated or could possibly be larger than we had thought. The statistics were based on the claim that all living ex members of Congress were paid what the current members of Congress receive. If you search for it it's all over the internet hey we all fall for it sometimes. :) So we buckled down found some official government documents online and will make sure it comes from the horses mouth first.

The truth is things vary loop and twist in this document
and the page that of course led me to face palm

and then this page
which explains it in a way such that shows the figures get larger than what we had multiplied by per member.

Basically its all kind of hidden in the legal rubble of various documents and retirement plans and changes in law overtime. Thus we have provided you with the above links if you really want to get it under the microscope. We are researching further into this and will get any important info to you in future posts.

We are now looking into other issues with wasted tax dollars. The figures about our ex-congress members may not have been spot on(which we never claimed I believe we said about or close to) they are nothing when compared to some of the research on other wasted tax dollars that we are currently looking into.

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Monday, January 31, 2011

People Vs. Congress Part 2

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: Sorry for the absence the research was quite tasking.
Tracking down all living ex-representatives still on payroll took three days and hopefully yet unfortunately we're close to on point. From our research 899 ex representatives are getting paid around $156,426,000 all together a year. I'm glad to hear about the pay freeze of many federal employees in president Obama's State Of The Union Address and hopefully we can look further into that and see what good that is doing and how effective the pay freeze really is in cutting unnecessary costs. Being in congress is rapidly sounding better than being a rock star(for the greedy) and if anyone is looking to get in lets hope its for real change(an idea, movement etc.) and not change(money) ex-change.

Help wanted: House and Senate Now Hiring Work 1,2,3 years get paid for life and benefits.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The House Rules: The People Vs. The House

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: The house votes on spending cuts today ...
Will they vote on eliminating the ex house members salaries and healthcare?

We'll be back with our figures later.

Something to think about...

Filibuster(definition): To go to work and not work....but still get paid.
"A Filibuster is a type of parlementary procedure. Specifically, it is a form of obstruction in a legislature or other decision-making body whereby a lone member can elect to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal."

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Monday, January 24, 2011

People Vs. Congress Part One.

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: At the time of publication we are $14,072,721,571,974.05 in national debt.

Since around September 2007 the national debt has been increasing by about 4.17 billion a day! This figure may not be much compared to the over all deficit but we pay an estimated $28,188,000 per year for ex senators that "we think" receive healthcare who don't contribute a vote for anything. Unemployment "supposedly" at the max is 99 weeks that politicians want to take away. But their unemployment last a lifetime! Do they have a socialist healthcare system? Just asking. Currently our senators make $174,000 a year and thats not counting what they get for their staff and security. Well... we aren't for sure they get an allowance for staff but its makes you wonder what that figure would be. Our ex senators as established by the 28 million dollar figure above are also getting the $174,000 a year(as of now) paycheck. Every time congress votes itself a raise these unemployed politicians receive "supposedly" the same amount. Why are they not limited to the same standards as the american worker? For years you have heard politicians talk about cleaning up the neighborhoods maybe they should start at home.

This is only the beginning of the think-tank at the foxes den. Theres more to come

and remember we're not the Tea Party we're THE PARTY.

Qoute for the day: No taxation without representation.

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