Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Facing The "Facts".

STRAIGHT FROM THE FOXES DEN: Since this blog is dedicated to helping people know the truth and is not for shock value. We apologize that some of the figures may not have been as large as we calculated or could possibly be larger than we had thought. The statistics were based on the claim that all living ex members of Congress were paid what the current members of Congress receive. If you search for it it's all over the internet hey we all fall for it sometimes. :) So we buckled down found some official government documents online and will make sure it comes from the horses mouth first.

The truth is things vary loop and twist in this document
and the page that of course led me to face palm

and then this page
which explains it in a way such that shows the figures get larger than what we had multiplied by per member.

Basically its all kind of hidden in the legal rubble of various documents and retirement plans and changes in law overtime. Thus we have provided you with the above links if you really want to get it under the microscope. We are researching further into this and will get any important info to you in future posts.

We are now looking into other issues with wasted tax dollars. The figures about our ex-congress members may not have been spot on(which we never claimed I believe we said about or close to) they are nothing when compared to some of the research on other wasted tax dollars that we are currently looking into.

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